
November 2021
We delayed the issue of this newsletter in order to be able to report on the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. In the event, many of the potential tax increases that some had feared did not materialise and the changes that were announced, were either published or leaked before his speech.
March 2021
Welcome to our latest newsletter in which we have summarised recent changes that we believe are most relevant to our clients. We do hope that you and your families remain fit and well.
October 2020
Re-reading the introduction to our last newsletter in March, it is striking how unprepared we all were at that time for what has followed since. We have all had to adapt to so many “new norms” and it has often seemed bewildering. As we write this newsletter, we face not only the second wave, but also the longer-term consequences of the first wave. As businesses, we have all had to learn new ways of working in order to continue to operate effectively.
September 2019
As we prepare this newsletter on a record breaking high temperature bank holiday Monday, having watched Ben Stokes single handedly win the third Ashes test and keep the series alive, and the G7 meeting in Biarritz closes as the Brazilian rain forest burns, we still don’t know how Brexit will turn out and it seems as though we are living in a parallel universe where everything is different to what it was before.
March 2019
As we prepare this newsletter, the independent gang of 8, has already become the gang of 11 and by the time we publish it may well be even more! The Government may, or may not, have reached a new compro-mise agreement with the EU, and Parliament may, or may not, have taken control of the process. We have never lived through such a prolonged period of uncertainty.
September 2018
With less than six months to go before the UK offi-cially leaves the EU, as a business community, we are still no closer to know-ing the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations. Matters have now reached a pivotal moment and the only thing that does appear to be certain is that large parts of the population of the UK will be unhappy with the outcome, what-ever that may be. It also appears more likely that new political parties or alliances will emerge in the coming months, which makes the future of one party government seem less likely.
March 2018
As we write this news-letter, the political and diplomatic war of words and action between the UK and Russia continues to escalate following the use of a weapons grade nerve agent in Salisbury. This has at least temporarily diverted attention away from the ongoing negotiations over Brexit, which continue to cause uncertainty in the markets generally. At the same time, we must all continue to run our businesses and plan for the future as best as we can. As a firm, we have been getting to grips with a number of important changes to the way in which we work.
September 2017
In our last newsletter, we referred to unprecedented economic and political change created by Brexit issues and other world events which have now been made worse by the outcome of the General Election and also the European Union’s hard line attitude to the initial negotiations. The EU appears to be defending the European Project at all costs and is also trying to deter other countries from wanting to leave the EU.
March 2017
Few of us have ever lived through such a period of both economic and political change and it sometimes seems quite overwhelming. As accountants, we are used to continuous change, but not necessarily so rapidly and Making Tax Digital (see within) will require substantially increased communication and cooperation between accountants and their clients and will truly create a “Brave New World” in tax administration which, at the moment, appears quite scary!
September 2016
We seem to be living in an extraordinary period of change during which the unexpected and the unusual are becoming the new “normal”. As the Government begins to try to decide what “Brexit” actually means, we face the very real prospect of Donald Trump becoming the most powerful man in the world.
March 2016
In this issue of our newsletter, we have highlighted the main provisions in last week’s Budget, as well as other key recent changes that we believe are most relevant to the majority of our client base.
September 2015
Despite our previous predictions for a hung Parliament, we now have a narrow majority Conservative Government and we are already dealing with the consequences of their first Budget in the summer.
September 2014
Whilst the UK economy continues to show clear signs of improvement, particularly within the construction industry, ongoing political uncertainty both at home and abroad continues to threaten stability.
March 2014
Just as we all thought the global economy was showing strong signs of recovery, Russia decides to ‘invade’ the Ukraine and send the markets into turmoil!
September 2013
At long last, all the signs are beginning to suggest the UK economy is moving out of recession and into recovery. Unemployment is down, GDP is up and the pound has begun to strengthen a little against the Euro, although not against the dollar.
March 2013
The new tax year will shortly commence and will see the final implementation of some very major changes to both taxation and welfare, the effects of which have not yet been fully appreciated.
September 2012
As the excitement of the Olympics and the success of Team GB begins to fade, and the Paralympics gets underway, we look ahead to some major changes to the way in which employers must operate PAYE and also the taxation of Child Benefit for the first time.
March 2012
Welcome to the latest edition of our half-yearly newsletter in which we summarise the key changes we believe will be of most interest to you and your business.
September 2011
The slight optimism we started to see six months ago has all but disappeared due to continuing turbulence within world economic markets and political unrest, both at home and abroad.
February 2011
Well, it’s official...neither the Government nor the Bank of England expect that we will suffer a double dip recession.
August 2010
Well, at least we now know the out come of the Emergency Budget in June and how much it is going to cost us all in the years to come.
March 2010
The year ahead will be a challenging one and we expect in May the country will vote in a General Election.